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Blog introductions are meaningless. 


As you can see, I’m through Ecclesiastes this week. To tell you the truth, there were some mental challenges this week that I was not anticipating, and reading Ecclesiastes DID NOT help. I’m fine though. This is a fun verse that helped get me back on track. 


“Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭11‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Rather than chase the wind of God, which we have no idea what direction that’s going to go in, we have a job to plant some seeds. 


Speaking of planting seeds, evangelization! I went with one of my teammates and had some very interesting conversations with people ranging from nothing is God to everything is God. All the people that we were talking to were super nice despite the disagreements. The only issue was something was stated that was factually incorrect, and I wanted to correct it. And I didn’t because I wasn’t really leading the conversation and it probably would’ve turned heated pretty quick if I did. My teammate did a good job meeting people where they were at and either pushing, getting the message out quickly, or respectfully disagreeing depending upon the conversation. 


My team went to a Thai dinner and dance. That was cool. A little daughter of one of the dancers really stole the show. 


The goodbyes to the soccer ministry and the girls were very sad. The soccer was fun because all the little kids would stand around the goal because they were the only ones that could score, and the big kids would mostly maintain possession and try to pass to the little kid army near the goals. The girls  we ministered to gave us some cards and gifts which was very nice. Hopefully they are able to continue on and get back on their feet. Just in case I wasn’t clear, we weren’t told any of the girls’ backgrounds, just that the ministry was for potential or actual victims of sexual exploitation. 


We are doing a teaching week and a debrief week prior to Malaysia with the entire squad. It will be fun to hang out with them again. Only topic I know will be taught is spiritual warfare, which will be spicy. People on my team have varying views/exposure to that concept, and I’m sure that will be amplified by the entire squad being present. 


I guess there’s a time for everything, and now is the time to end this blog.

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